This was my eighteenth year of existence, so 2015 was actually kind of important for me. I did a lot. I applied for college. I got a scholarship. I went to out of state competitions for running. I won states in track. I was part of a band, playing at graduation. I got broken up with. I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL. I started skate boarding. I became a vegetarian. I lost my grandma. I met a beautiful woman. I became an adult. I lost my virginity. I pissed my parents off. I read the whole hannibal series. I got drunk for the fist time. I went to court. I went to college. I failed an exam. I aced an exam. I hung out with my friends. I did my homework. I became a dishwasher. I ate dinner. I met new people. I saw weed for the first time. I bought a suit. I took care of a drunk friend. I got a girl's number. Star Wars came out. I saw it five times. And I started a blog.
Yeah, it was an exciting year, filled with many experiences that I thought I'd never have. Things that I really wish I hadn't done and things I wish I could experience for the first time again. This was definitely the biggest year for me, but I say that every year and I'll probably say that about next year. So how special could this year really be right? Every day can be a great day. I've tried to fix my bed right when I wake up every day. Just in case I have an absolutely garbage day, I can just go back home and into my very very neatly fixed bed and see thatI still accomplished something that day. I dare you to try it, and to think about not just the big things you've done this year but also the little tiny 'yes! days' you've had.
Thank You 2015