There are two minutes left before my alarm goes off. I had to get up early because my roommate's alarm has been going off while he just presses snooze. It's not the most enjoyable thing to happen. Though what would be the difference of when I woke up and sleeping for another 15 minutes? And there it is: my wake up call, literally. I feel like my days never stop going. I'm always on the move, doing something to either work or entertain myself. Today, I go to church, run 13 miles, read for Anatomy, go to hell work, and then come back for some more homework. I could wake up earlier I guess, but then I wouldn't be able to sleep as much. My mom is always talking about how waking up early is the best way to start your day, but I feel like sleeping is the best way to start your day. I'm always up for a good 8-9 hours. I would have to survive off of coffee if waking up at 6 am was part of my regular routine.
Time is filled up with routines in college. We go to class, we study, we run, we hang out, and we eat; that pretty much sums it up. My friends and I eat dinner at 5 pm every night on the dot, and then we go play the N64 in our locker room. We do that almost everyday. We don't even switch up the game we play. On a regular school day, I don't have any time to just relax, and it really effected me last semester. I now NEED to be constantly doing something or I get bored easily. I've begun to notice that this is bad. Sometimes we need to just reflect on what we're doing. Sometimes I just want to sit, maybe listen to the Vitamin String Quartet, and just not think about the many pressures of school or running. Now I could be cheesy and say that the song Lets Be Still by The Head and the Heart is the most perfect example of what we should do, but I think I'm going to take it another route. I'm going to be even cheesier and say that it is our civil duty to each other to not be so uptight about our schedules. Make them flexible. Make them rich with the activity of relaxing. It's time to seize the day, and time to make time for yourself.
You are on the right track! We fill our time with filling our time. Sit. Be still. Reflect.