After a much needed winter break, it is time to go back to the grind and begin another set of courses meant to make me feel like I know absolutely nothing. I just came back from my anatomy lab and am currently waiting to go to creative writing. School became real again this morning. I go back into my regular routines: wake up at 6:30, do some core while my roommate Dan sleeps, get dressed, and please my grumbling tummy with cafeteria food. Yep, its good to be back. This morning, I told myself that this semester would be different. That I would get that GPA back up to a 3.0, but I tell myself hat every single year. I thought I meant it before the fall semester, but I fell back into old habits and started slacking off and procrastinating hard. Though I do need to get my act together for this spring. I want my GPA to sky rocket. So this time its going o be different. I just need to find out how to protect my mind from distractions. Just like I need to protect myself from this darned cold weather.
I would be more than happy to get you a warm jacket!!