Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thank You New Year's Eve

     Well we're back to the end again. That time where nostalgic feelings bombard us of things we've accomplished and things we've utterly destroyed. Thank you New Year's Eve, you've managed to make me feel like a blended smoothie of regret and satisfaction; it's a weird and awkward feeling. Looking back and thinking about everything I've done this year, I sometimes feel as though I've done absolutely nothing, but that ain't true. See I'm one of those people who doesn't really go out to parties too often or go on a lot of dates. I have friends, I just don't act crazy. I look at other people who go out and drink every weekend and people who have millions of girls just hanging by their finger tips, and I still find myself just wanting to go sledding with some friends (even though I hate the snow). So I take another look back and I see that 2015 was chalk full of events. Ranging from making my bed to graduating high school, it's been a tad bit busy.

     This was my eighteenth year of existence, so 2015 was actually kind of important for me. I did a lot. I applied for college. I got a scholarship. I went to out of state competitions for running. I won states in track. I was part of a band, playing at graduation. I got broken up with. I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL. I started skate boarding. I became a vegetarian. I lost my grandma. I met a beautiful woman. I became an adult. I lost my virginity. I pissed my parents off. I read the whole hannibal series. I got drunk for the fist time. I went to court. I went to college. I failed an exam. I aced an exam. I hung out with my friends. I did my homework. I became a dishwasher. I ate dinner. I met new people. I saw weed for the first time. I bought a suit. I took care of a drunk friend. I got a girl's number. Star Wars came out. I saw it five times. And I started a blog.

     Yeah, it was an exciting year, filled with many experiences that I thought I'd never have. Things that I really wish I hadn't done and things I wish I could experience for the first time again. This was definitely the biggest year for me, but I say that every year and I'll probably say that about next year. So how special could this year really be right? Every day can be a great day. I've tried to fix my bed right when I wake up every day. Just in case I have an absolutely garbage day, I can just go back home and into my very very neatly fixed bed and see thatI still accomplished something that day. I dare you to try it, and to think about not just the big things you've done this year but also the little tiny 'yes! days' you've had.

Thank You 2015

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