Monday, April 4, 2016

Cats And Dogs And Rooster Calls

     There is a big difference between racing in high school and racing in college. No longer are you one of the best around, but now you're not even a known person in the community. Just another runner for a school that isn't really one that people pay much attention to. Instead of leading races, you're in the middle of the pack trying to hang on, but these guys are on a whole other level. When everyone seems to just speed by while you are also trying to speed up, but can't.

     I used to know how to race. I could lead out in the front, or I could make daring moves. This was in high school though, back when the big leagues was the state meet. Now, though, every single race feels like a high school state meet. Every single race gives me the same anticipation; the same butterflies in my stomach. That didn't used to happen. In high school I ran out front, running away from everyone else. Kind of like I didn't want to be near anyone. I raced like a cat.

     Its different now. During a race you can find me in the middle of the pack, not daring to take the lead because I'm scared of the fast college kids. Probably the wort mindset you could have while racing, but I admit it: I'm scared in races. I know that I shouldn't think like this, but I can't help it. I. Just. Feel. So. Slow. When I'm compared to the guys I'm racing. I race like a dog.

     There is a solution though: getting over it. I just need to suck it up, to stop making things out worse than they actually are. Its just racing, not life and death. What is useful to me right now is a wake up call. A rooster call. The plan sounds easy in words, but it's so hard. Some things are like that though. When, in words, you can do it, but when you actually try, it's near impossible. I guess if they were easier, we would live perfect lives. Although, we don't live perfect lives, no one does.

They take away
The lonely days
For now...

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