Wednesday, March 2, 2016

We Laugh Indoors

Marcus Lech: winner of the Millrose Games, 1:46 800m, and 4:00 mile. A legend and my coach.

     A bizarre man of many, Mark loves that we fear him. Our fearless leader has only two emotions: laughter and anger. Yesterday, I took a deep breath and walked into his office to talk to him about running. I walked in expecting him to not let me run the 1500m in outdoor and walked out as a 1500m runner. This was probably one of the best five minutes of my life.

     Its times like these that make me feel on top of the world. I walked out of his office with a big grin on my face to give my friends who were waiting an answer. Mark was gracious, and I don't know if this was also from killing the anatomy exam, but I am feeling good. After feeling like a total useless sack of bean bag pebbles just 24 hours beforehand. Does that make me bipolar? NO it doesn't. 

     I just don't get what the premises for being happy have to be. Why're we only happy when God is overly generous to us? Our biggest flaw is our ungratefulness, and it shows. I am a great example. I am so peeved at God when I don't do well in races after hours upon hours of training, while he is focusing on other parts of my life. I have a beautiful family, wonderful friends, and a very privileged life, so why am I always so angry at God?

     Maybe it's because deep down I know that I'm not doing my part in our relationship. Maybe I know, truly, that I don't give God the attention he deserves. What is there to do about this though? Nothing but pray. I hope that people in my similar situation can just sit down and focus on the Lord. That's exactly what everyone needs. Are you angry and unhappy? Go to God. Are you depressed and want to punch someone? Go to God. Are you happy and don't think anything in your life could go any more right? Still, go to God. In the book I'm reading, a man becomes a serial killer because he lost his sister. He becomes this monster because he is angry at God and wants to take his place and "play God" as the authority of life and death. Poor guy was fixated on hating God when he should've been asking for guidance.

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